Patient Reported Outcomes, the Next Milestone



This week the resolution of the first edition of Gilead-PRO Grants was announced for the development of projects that implement the collection of Patient Reported Results (PROs) in clinical practice. With them we want to promote the realization of specific projects or actions that allow us to understand the perceptions reported by people living with HIVimproving the implementation and use of tools that help collect this information in routine clinical practice.


«We went from giving these patients quantity of life to giving them quality of life, asking them how they perceive these two aspects now, how they perceive the treatment in their life and how the infection affects it. Supporting research in this area is essential because it is the next milestone. The therapy is reaching very, very high standards of quality and effectiveness. The next thing is to ask these patients how they are experiencing treatment and infection. –explains Julián Olalla, coordinator of the PRO Grants Review Committee–. It is an honor for me to be president of the court. Its composition reflects the same vocation as PROs because it is made up of pharmacists, clinicians and patient representatives. This composition of the court aims to have a global view or a 360º view of the patient's experience. Therefore, he continues, “first of all, thank Gilead for supporting this type of initiative. Second, encourage them to continue supporting both clinical research and the community, as has been the case, which has moved from focusing on doctors and pharmacists to focusing on patients.”


In this first edition, Gilead recognized seven projects that will be carried out in Madrid, Catalonia and Andalusia. The total allocation for the call amounts to 200,000 euros and each project can receive a maximum of 30,000 euros for its execution over a period not exceeding 24 months.

«For us, receiving this type of scholarship is an opportunity; an opportunity to hear the patient's voice, get to know these needs that go through consultation every day and that, for reasons that we are completely unaware of, are not detected. The economic donation will help us try to hear all those needs that we are not hearing right now. I encourage Gilead that anything that improves patients' quality of life should be the number one goal of any pharmaceutical company,” says Jordi Puig, from Fundación Lucha contra el AIDS y las Enfermedades Infecciosas, one of the projects awarded with these scholarships. .

the seven beneficiaries

►Foundation Fight against AIDS and infectious diseases. Appropriate program.

►Hospital 12 de Octubre Biomedical Research Foundation. Monitoring program for children and adolescents who grow up with HIV.

►Seimc-GeSIDA Foundation. DAME + Life Program. Detect, Act and Improve Project: Evolving towards a better quality of life for people with HIV.

►Fundação Jiménez Díaz Health Research Institute. Program: Stratification and approach to stigma in PLHIV.

►Autonomous University of Madrid. Program Creation of a tool based on PROs to stratify people with HIV in an irregular situation.

►Fundación Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria, for the program Development and implementation of dual pharmaceutical care guided by PROM to improve the experience of patients living with HIV infection in Spain.

►Foundation for Biosanitary Research of Eastern Andalusia (Fibao). PROs program, no cons.

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