What is Ewing's sarcoma suffered by Elena Huelva


Elena Huelva, the 20-year-old influencer who has been fighting Ewing's sarcoma since 2019, received countless messages of support and affection after acknowledging in her latest Instagram post that “things are not going well” because “they found disease in the trachea”. .


Elena Huelva is also the author of the book “My desires win”, in which she narrates her fight against cancer and shows her optimism in the face of a disease that attacked her as a teenager. In an interview with LA RAZÓN on the occasion of the presentation of her book, Elena highlighted that “the trick is to be stronger than all our fears and, even knowing that there will be bad days, hold on to the good ones, which are also many.”

Ewing's sarcoma, from which the young woman from Seville suffers, is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that affects the bones or the tissues surrounding them, as well as the extremities. It is the second most common malignant bone tumor among children, adolescents and young adults.


This type of cancer usually starts in the long bones of the legs and pelvis, but can occur in any bone. Less commonly, it begins in the soft tissues of the chest, abdomen, or extremities.


Ewing sarcoma symptoms include pain, swelling, or tenderness near the affected area as well as bone pain. In addition, those affected may experience fatigue for no apparent reason, fever and weight loss.

In some cases, patients may feel a bulge in the bone and sometimes it is detected that they cannot make normal movements because the tumor interferes with them.

On many occasions, the disease is diagnosed because the affected person was injured while playing and the pain persisted longer than expected.

In one third of children affected by this sarcoma, the tumor metastasizes to the lungs and other bones.

He Treatment usually includes surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and typically results in 5-year disease-free survival rates of 60-70%;. However, if there is metastatic disease, that is, if it has spread to other organs or to the systemic circulation, this 5-year disease-free survival drops to less than 20%.

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