These nail abnormalities can reveal much more serious illnesses


Nails have other functions besides helping us undo knots. Turns out they are the indicator perfect that something is wrong in our body. And that's it, nails are made up of a fibrous protein called keratin, whose main function is to protect the nerve endings that are continually sending and receiving information from the brain to the tips of our fingers. Therefore, any variation in the color, texture or shape of these structures could (but not necessarily) be the manifestation of some undesirable abnormality in our organism. these are the signals What you should watch out for:

1. Appropriate


Baqueteamento de dedos pode indicar um distúrbio pulmonar ou das vias aéreas |  Fonte: Manuais Merck
Clubbing of the fingers may indicate a lung or airway disorder | Source: Merck Manuals The reason

This disorder is also popularly known as “Hippocratic fingers” because it was Hippocrates who described it in the year 400 BC Although the most descriptive way to call it is “dedos drum”. And that's it, it is defined by two characteristics: on the one hand, the enlargement of the fingertips; and on the other the increased nail curvature along its transverse and longitudinal axes. The origin of this anomaly may be exclusively hereditary, although it is likely to present a lung disorder or the respiratory tract.

2. Koilonychia

Nails The reason

This is what is known as cockroach nailsand it is a disorder that causes the nails to become especially thin; which causes them to lose their “natural” shape, become very fragile and cause cavities to appear. It is a more common case in women than in men and more common in children than in adults. It is usually indicative of a lack or excess of iron in the blood. It is something to pay attention to, because if these manifestations exist in the nails, they can also exist in other organs.


3. Beautiful lines

As linhas de Beau ocorrem porque, por algum motivo, o crescimento da unha foi interrompido |  Fonte: Wikipedia Commons
Beau's lines occur because, for some reason, nail growth has stopped | Source: Wikipedia Commons The reason

They are indentations that go through the nail plate They were first described in 1846 by Justin Honore Simon Beau. They are produced as a result of growth arrest of the nail An interruption that may have been caused by an infection, zinc deficiency, chronic renal failure, peripheral vascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus or due to an allergic reaction to a medication (…) or because the nails have been subjected to very low temperatures. To the possible causes are many…and some of them are quite serious. So, the first thing to do when you notice that these grooves do not disappear after a while, is consult a healthcare professional.


4. Nail discoloration

The ones can purchase the most diverse tones. They can range from cold tones, such as blue or purple, to warmer tones, such as yellowish and green colors. Although it is also possible darken a lot and stay in black colorings.

Cortar as unhas também está relacionado às leis físicas
Cutting your nails is also related to physical laws the reason

In the case of tones yellow or greenis more likely to be a fungus. We must pay attention to these fungi as they can compromise the structure of the nail to the point of cause your downfall. But if the color they acquire tends towards white, blue or purple, it may indicate that there is no good circulation of oxygen in the blood; because, in reality, what is changing is not the color of the nail, but the color of the skin underneath. If that's the case, we'll usually also look at how lips get these types of purple colors and try them out. difficulties when breathing.

It is also often indicative of the Raynaud's syndrome, where the nails initially acquire a whitish tone and, as the problem worsens, they “change” to shades of blue, purple and, finally, red. This syndrome or Raynaud's disease does not usually cause complications no serious problems. In fact, many of those who suffer do not even receive treatment; but may be associated with some rheumatoid-type disease.

5. Black lines

Uma linha preta transversal na unha pode ser a manifestação de um melanoma|  Fonte:
A black transverse line on the nail could be a sign of melanoma | Source: The reason

Nails can turn black from one traumaof a reaction to a medicationor because a fungus (as we have already pointed out previously). But it can also be an indication of more serious effects, such as skin cancer called subungual melanoma, which is a rather rare variety of acral melanoma. This type of melanoma has very little incidence in Spain because it is usually detected in blacks and Asians, and not in Caucasians, who represent the vast majority of the population in our country.

6. Muerhrcke Lines

As linhas de Muehrcke podem ser muito reveladoras |  Fonte: Wikipedia Commons / Lyrl
Muehrcke's lines can be very revealing | Source: Wikipedia Commons/Lyrl The reason

This irregularity consists of those cavities or transverse grooves that extend through the nail. We identify them because they come in pairs and disappear when pressing the nail. They are related to some dermatological diseases such as nail psoriasis (such as so-called “oil stains”) or the eczema. Although it can also be confused with some fungal infections. It is important to observe Muerhcke's statements because they could be a sign of the existence of some autoimmune diseasesuch as inflammatory arthritis.

7. Terry Nails

chamamos o aumento desproporcional do tamanho da lúnula de unhas de Terry |  Fonte: Wikipedia Commons
we call the disproportionate increase in the size of the lunula Terry's nails | Source: Wikipedia Commons The reason

O changes in the lunula (the lightest part of the nail, which extends from the base, just above the cuticle) can be very revealing. If this is very large and extends almost to the tip of the nail, leaving only a narrow band at the topmay have cirrhosis, chronic kidney failure, diabetes or cardiac insufficiency congestive

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