O Christmas It is a time of celebration when we come together with our loved ones to enjoy unique moments at the table. However, it is also the time of year when more food is wasted. If we want to avoid this type of situation, one of the best options is to freeze leftovers. However, not all foods can be frozen, as their properties can be seen affected through this process, so it is not convenient to place them in the freezer and you better eat them fresh. But what are these foods?

If there is one food that we should never freeze, it is eggsespecially if we try to freeze them with their bark. The reason for this is that they could exploded, to which we add that they will never have the taste of having just caught them. However, if we previously separate the white from the yolk, we can freeze them. Although in the case of egg yolk it is preferable to beat it to avoid it toughen up.

Although fruits are one of the best foods for health care, except Red fruits it's him banana, the rest of the fruits tolerate freezing very poorly. These foods, when crossing the freezing barrier, lose part of their texture and worsen its appearance, so the best option is to enjoy fresh fruit.

Although the vast majority of vegetables on the market can be frozen, vegetables that are usually consumed in crudelike him tomato or any other vegetable green leafthey don't keep their aspectnor his texture nor his flavor after going through the freezer. Although if we must do so, ideally boil them any scald them before freezing them, so that they better preserve their properties.

Regardless of whether or not they are Stew any cookedWhen defrosting the potatoes, starch, causing its texture to change completely. Something that also affects flavorin fact, it is recommended that if we are going to freeze a dish with potatoes, the let's discard and freeze the rest.

If we find ourselves in the situation of having to freeze some of the shellfishwe must bear in mind that if we do so, we must cook it beforehand. However, there are exceptions such as: bivalvesto the clamsto the CameroonO Cameroon and similar products, as long as they were purchased fresh.
Homemade cakes and sweets

Although we all love homemade dessertsThese foods do not tolerate the processes of freezing It is unfreezealthough it is more a matter of texture what of food security.
recipes with sauces

If we want to freeze a dish that contains some type of to dive, we must be very careful, as there is a great risk of being cut. sauces like mayonnaise, rose sauce and other sauces emulsified or what they have cream among its ingredients must not be frozen by food risk this implies