Juvenile acne: six tips for teenagers


The hormonal changes that occur during adolescence cause the appearance of acne, a skin problem that affects more than 23 million Europeans. It is estimated that 3 out of 4 teenagers suffer from some type of acne. Although acne tends to disappear in most people after age 30, some adults in their 40s and 50s may still have it.


Acne occurs when hair follicles on the skin become clogged and do not let the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands escape. With the arrival of puberty, the glands produce more sebum and the ducts through which it exits become obstructed. Some bacteria get trapped in the pores and cause skin inflammation: this is the beginning of acne, according to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics.

In general, there are three types of acne. When the pore becomes clogged and closed, but stands out on the surface of the skin, it is a whitehead or blackhead (pimple). When it is clogged but open, the upper part darkens and this is what is called Black Point. In some cases, the pore wall opens, allowing sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells to break down under the skin and form. red pimples that may have pus at the tip. Additionally, lumps may appear large, solid ones that cause pain (nodules) or painful lumps under the skin filled with pus (cystic lesions)

acne can be lightwhen the lesions are few and consist of black and white dots, moderate if there are many blackheads and red pimples, and serious when it includes nodules and cysts.


Most pimples appear on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders.

Acne treatment depends on the type of lesion but, in any case, hygiene is essential. In any case, there are six guidelines to be followed according to the advice of dermatologists and pediatricians.

  • The skin should be kept clean by using soap for oily skin twice a day.
  • Avoid touching the lesions as this can cause reinfection
  • In the case of using moisturizers, makeup or other cosmetics, dermatologists recommend using those that specify that they are “non-comedogenic” or “oil-free”.
  • Men should avoid shaving with an electric razor.
  • Moderate exposure to the sun has beneficial effects due to its bactericidal effect
  • Avoid rubbing on acne-affected areas, such as backpacks or tight clothing.

If acne is not controlled with these practical tips, Your doctor may recommend topical and oral treatments.

Among those applied to the skin are keratolytics, which undo the “plug” of the pore, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid. Additionally, it can be combined with topical antibiotics such as erythromycin and clindamycin.


Oral treatments are recommended when the skin has many lesions. In these cases, the dermatologist may recommend antibiotics, retinoids and oral contraceptives.

For years, the appearance of acne has been associated with the intake of certain foods, such as chocolate. However, in most cases, there is little evidence that foods have any effect on acne. Stress also doesn't cause pimples to break out, but it can make an outbreak worse.

Dermatologists have identified some of the factors that can cause acneincluding increased androgens, family history, and some medications that contain hormones or corticosteroids.

The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venerology explains that There are other treatments that can be applied in consultationand consist of extracting comedones, injecting intralesional corticosteroids into inflammatory nodules and applying chemical peels, laser resurfacing and collagen injections for acne scars.

In any case, it must be taken into account that there is no miracle treatment that gets rid of acne immediately and that each type of acne needs a procedure.

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