
Loving yourself is one of the hardest tasks for anyone. Self-love, self-esteem or self-knowledge is not something that, unfortunately, is learned at school or institute. And that's why, as we get older, we realize that the importance it has and that, at some point, we must start taking care of our “inner self”.

Just as studying a language or learning to play an instrument can take months or years of training, introspecting to improve our self-esteem and self-esteem also takes time. Knowing the value that each person has and the ability to evaluate ourselves positively is not something that we can increase in a matter of hours, as it requires a lot of willpower and, depending on each person, the use of more or fewer techniques to achieve this. this.


How can I improve my self-esteem and self-esteem?

In short, improving self-esteem and self-esteem is a gradual process. The process takes time, but it all comes down to being kind to yourself and allowing yourself to grow and develop at your own pace. Put like that, it seems easy, but the practice can be complicated. Here are some tips and tactics that can be followed to achieve this.

they accepted. Firstly, nobody is perfect. We can all have the occasional imperfection, we can make more or less serious mistakes, but it's all part of our learning process. That's why we must accept the mistakes we make, learn from them and not run away from the mistakes we make, and thus, know our defects and love them.

Self-care. We need to dedicate time to take care of ourselves and our physical, emotional and mental needs. One trick is to establish healthy routines, based on healthy eating, efficient rest and regular exercise. So, taking advantage of the time for yourself, whether reading, walking, playing...


Set realistic goals. Setting achievable goals and working on them is a way to motivate yourself, progress and improve yourself. In short, grow into an efficient version of yourself and gradually strengthen self-confidence.

Establish limits. Likewise, you need to know how to say “no” when necessary, without forcing yourself to always please others.

Surround yourself with positive people. Human beings are sociable people and therefore we should surround ourselves with more people. But we must know that these people must be positive and in line with what we are looking for. Therefore, we should seek support from people who inspire and support you, not those who constantly criticize you or make you feel bad.

Last but not least, it is important Seek professional help if necessary. If you feel like your self-esteem is significantly affecting your life and well-being, consider seeking support from a therapist or mental health professional. They can help you resolve underlying issues and provide specific strategies to improve your self-esteem.