
Technology saves us in moments of mistakes, if you have ever deleted a photo by mistake, you need to know the application to recover photos.

Therefore, the end of the worry has come, of not knowing what to do when you delete a document important. 

We will introduce you to best app to recover deleted photos, you will be able to rescue your deleted files quickly and easily. 


Now, you don't need to worry, just install and get to know the best apps

DiskDigger app

Let's start with the indication application DiskDigger, we can consider it the favorite of recovery. 

As DiskDigger you can recover deleted photos and images, the application is very useful, after all, with it you can even locate the lost files on your cell phone or tablet.

A photo and file recovery can be done by memory card and even internal memory.


O upload your files recovered can be sent directly to the Google Drive, or email.

Digger has a difference, it doesn't just recover the recently deleted photos, you can recover old files on your device that may be hidden and that you may not even remember. 

No more hassle, discover and install the free photo recovery app.

 Photo Recovery

Our second recommendation is the Photo Recovery App app, it does very well in its function of recover deleted photos. 

The tools available in the photo recovery, it is very intuitive to use, and will not weigh down your memory yours cell phone

Furthermore, the application is completely free, you will be able to use the recovery features at no cost. 

It is very complete, you will have access and can do advanced file browsing, viewing recovered images, Upload and even the  file transference.

Now, just breathe and stay calm, you don't need to despair when it comes to  photo deletion and files.

This way, just choose the application that suits you, install it and enjoy recovering as quickly as possible. 

Dumpster Recycle Bin

Last but not least, the Dumpster Recycle Bin is an excellent application for recover files and images from deleted or deleted cell phones. 

Its functionality is only efficient when the photo deletion or file happens after its installation. 

However, it is considered one of the best apps when the subject is recovery of deleted photos on cell phone.

The app works as a alternative recycle bin on your device, that is, when delete the photo or another file, the deletion is not definitive, it is stored in the Recycle Bin Dumpster.

In this way, the photo recovery it happens instantly, even if files are accidentally deleted. 

However, Dumpster makes restoring files and images happen in just a few clicks.

Just enter the application, access the tools and enter the bin, then just click on the file or photo you want to restore and that's it – it will appear instantly on your cell phone. 

However, the big difference between Dumpster app, is the possibility of backing up all your applications.

Finally, don't despair when delete a photo, images, videos, or other important file, now you know the best tools to recover deleted photos from cell phone.

DiskDigger app Android / iOS

 Photo Recovery Android

Dumpster Recycle Bin Android