European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO) developed a ranking of the five worst and five best diets protagonists in Spain in 2023. The classification consists of two independent lists, in descending order from one to five. Among those not recommended are the addictive substitute diet, Sirtfood, the famous apple diet, the keto diet or the antidiabetic diet.
The IMEO diet ranking is supported by a twenty experts in obesity and health, including endocrinologists and bariatric surgeons, clinical and sports nutritionists, dietitians, psychologists, therapists and fitness trainers. They all agree: “The ends do not always justify the means when it comes to achieving healthy weight loss.”
As the Institute explains, the ranking “is based on real cases, scientific and market studies, news and trends collected from the media and social networks, as well as prominent searches on Google”. The five worst diets compiled by experts “lack scientific support” and, often, the decisions are appealed”miraculous and dangerous”. According to experts, they have a “guaranteed rebound effect and multiple side effects that can put health at risk”.
The least recommended diets
O addictive replacement diet includes alcohol, tobacco or diet pills or metabolism-activating pills to lose weight. With this type of diet, according to the authors of the ranking, it is possible to lose 4 kilos or more per month, but “these substances are toxic and reduce life expectancy and quality of life”, due to cell deteriorationr that causes “At IMEO we recommend eliminating their habitual and frequent consumption and not using them as a substitute for eating”, explains the IMEO nutritionist, Immaculate Luengo.
Another “dangerous” diet is Sirtfood, which bases its profits on action of sirtuinssome enzymes that reduce oxidative stress favoring the slowing down of the aging process and weight loss. Its fundamental premise is to include in the diet foods that contain these substances or activate them, such as apples, blueberries, capers, onions, cabbage, arugula, tofu, buckwheat, coffee, green tea, dark chocolate, nuts, parsley, saffron and virgin olive oil. “Although it is composed of healthy foods, this diet consists of three very hypocaloric phases who are looking for rapid weight loss of up to 3 kilos per week”, he highlighted Carmen Climbing, Clinical Nutritionist at IMEO. In addition, there is ahigh risk of malnutrition”.
The third diet not recommended is the one with the apple. “As in other editions, we included in our unhealthy eating ranking a example of monodietspecifically apples, which consists of eating only this food for a long period of time, at least two or three weeks, in which you can lose between 4 and 6 kilos”, explains Andrea Marqués, nutritionist. “However, eating apples would cause us to have a significant protein deficit that would cause the body to lose muscle mass with the consequent metabolic slowdown”, he said.
O antidiabetic diet It also includes those that are not recommended. It uses injections indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, producing weight loss as a side effect, as appetite disappears and satiety increases. It promises to help you lose between 1 and 2 kilos per week, or between 4 and 6 kilos per month. The treatment with these injections consists of mimicking the mechanism of action of a hormone (GLP-1) that is secreted in the intestine when food is ingested. Its most important function is to regulate insulin and glucagon levels, which are involved in controlling blood glucose. “The use of these injections produces a decrease in blood glucose levels (due to increased insulin levels and decreased glucagon levels), a delay in gastric emptying and a greater feeling of satiety”, explained nutritionist Estefanía Ramos. It is necessary to gradually increase the initial dose, as it can cause nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and gastroesophageal reflux.
On the other hand, the keto diet promises a loss of 2 to 3 kilos per week. It is a diet plan that excessively reduces carbohydrates, increases fat consumption and moderates protein intake, seeking to generate a situation of ketosis in the body similar to that which occurs in a fasting situation. Although this type of diet can be effective for patients with epileptic seizures or as a control measure against some types of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's and type II diabetes mellitus, as it is capable of reducing blood glucose levels, "it should not be used as a long-term diet in cases of overweight and obesity for various reasons", said the nutritionist Sonia hairstyle.
The best diets
O “Mindfullness” Diet or “Conscious Eating” They have become this conscious eating practice that, carried out correctly with an active lifestyle, allows you to lose between 2 and 4 kilos per month. “We should understand this trend more as a lifestyle change than as a strict diet, which is why we have included it in our annual ranking as a recommended option,” said the nutritionist. Andrea Marques. The philosophy of 'mindfulness' suggests taking a moment to think about whether we are really hungry, whether we like and want a certain dish, savoring each bite and chewing slowly without rushing or stressing. Therefore, the ultimate goal is for the person to achieve changes in their eating habits and lifestyle. "In relation to food, we understand 'mindfulness' as the ability to eat consciously, letting ourselves be guided by our body's signals of appetite and satiety, including all types of food, without feeling guilty about consuming them," added Marqués.
IN Regarding intermittent fasting, nutrition experts emphasize that “it could improve our lifestyle”. “We will have an initial 16-hour cycle in which no food is ingested and which includes a night’s rest, followed by an eight-hour “feeding window” in which the calories we should ingest should be distributed among the number of planned meals, ideally no less than three or more than five. “It is more effective than other diets in terms of reducing inflammation and associated diseases such as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis or stroke. It has been indicated as a tool for the prevention and treatment of different metabolic diseases and oncological pathologies, reducing some side effects associated with radio or chemotherapy, helping to repair our DNA”, highlighted the spokesperson for IMEO Ruben Bravo.
Another option is the flexitarian diet It is “healthy and sustainable” with the environment that promotes a greater intake of plant-based foods, while being flexible in including, albeit to a lesser extent, foods of animal origin. “The flexitarian diet does not carry the most common nutritional deficiencies that can appear in a classic vegetarian diet, specifically vitamin B12, omega 3 and eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids; nor does it lead to a low bioavailability of minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium, since, by including eggs, dairy products and fish, all these nutrients are covered”, explained nutritionist Estefanía Ramos.
On the other hand, the diet for microbiota care stimulates the existence of enzymes responsible for breaking down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, making food more digestible and less stored as fat. “A protective diet would be based on a lower consumption of processed meats and mainly vegetable proteins, as well as monounsaturated fats, vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. The use of prebiotics and probiotics can help us complement our diet by improving bacterial balance,” said Peinado.
Another of the recommended diets is the one that eliminates ultra-processed foods. To follow this diet, ultra-processed foods, pre-cooked foods or foods seasoned with colorings, flavorings and preservatives, as well as foods rich in sugar, salt and fat, are avoided, ensuring that everything served on the table is organic. “It is important to note that this is not a diet in itself, but rather a healthy eating model that can be maintained indefinitely over time and that can help us lose between 0.5 and 1 kilo per week, if accompanied by the corresponding physical activity”, concluded clinical nutritionist, Carmen Escalada.