
Melegacy of heat It is possibly the most anticipated time of year in many parts of the planet. Thus, the increase in temperatures means that a greater number of people take to the streets for longer to enjoy the environment and, especially, the sun.

The star not only brings benefits to plants. O vitamin D that the body synthesizes thanks to the sun is also essential for human life and health. In recent years, in fact, there has been a warning from doctors about the deficiency of this, although it contrasts with the dangers that the sun itself can bring to the body.


Thanks to Spain's geographic location in many parts of the country, you can enjoy abundant hours of sunshine. Furthermore, it has a great incidence in different places, something that encourages beach tourism in many of the Spanish enclaves.

Thanks to this, the country has also managed to increase its international presence in the world of tourism. Although the outbreak of the pandemic paralyzed total data, Spain He had seen how the number of visitors increased year after year, making it one of the most sought after in the world.

Although many want to spend hours and hours under the Sun Many doctors recommend placing special emphasis on skin care. Thus, as many investigations have advanced, attention to skin problems has had a special impact in the public sphere.

Sun creams and other types of products are the first that come to mind when we talk about protecting ourselves from the sun, although clothing can also play a good role. Sometimes many wonder if we should wear sunscreen under clothes and the answer, as in many occasions It usually depends on several factors.


The best color against the sun

So things, in contrary From what is believed with clothes, something different happens with the rest of the objects against the sun. Thus, these dark clothes are the coolest when the star illuminates us with its rays, especially in summer in Spain, thanks to a series of factors that help with this.

the clothes of dark colors They have the quality of absorbing body temperature and repelling heat outwards. Thanks to a kind of mirror effect, the sun's rays reflect along with the heat, helping the body maintain a lower temperature.

But if we are talking about protection against the sun, a Spanish investigation seems to have the exact colors. According to the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Terrasa, it was found that Deep shades of blue absorb more UV rays, while shades of yellow less so. Then, If what we want is to avoid burns despite being dressed, we must choose these deep blue or red tones before the yellow ones.