Lose the first baby tooth is important part of growth of any human being. we need teeth to to bite, to chew and power enjoy of a healthy diet through many types of food. Teeth also help us speak and pronounce words, help our jaw and face grow, and of course, help us smile.
For how much we need them, teeth they start growing before we are even born. We can't see them at first because they are growing inside our jawsunder gums. But when we turn around six months, we can start to see the first teeth emerge. Although they don't last long, since human beings two sets of teeth throughout our lives. ButWhy do baby teeth lose??, whatwhen it happens?
One tooth for each function

Most people throughout their childhood will have 20 baby teethwhich will be replaced by permanent teeth as we grow, losing the last baby tooth usually at 12 years of age.
In turn, the teeth at the front of the mouth are called incisors and has sharp edges for biting. However, teeth actually pointed are called canines and we need them to start the food. On the back, we have the Molarswhich are large teeth with many protrusions and grooves that help us to to chew. Adults also have teeth premolarsBut children don't.
Why do they fall?

We often don't realize it, but At the same time that our first baby teeth begin to fall out, new teeth also appear at the back of the mouth.. These are our adult first molars. around us sixth birthdaywe can start to see and feel some changes in the mouth. Our baby teeth are wearing out therefore bite and chew and we grew up advance in general, like ours jawas soon as we need bigger teethproportional to our “new” size.
How do they stay still?

Teeth are fixed in the mouth because, like trees, they have state that trap them in our jaws. The roots of the teeth are generally long and smooth. O front teeth usually have a single rootbut the teeth later may have up to three roots. When the time is right, our bodies have special cells that slowly eat away at the roots of your teeth. As the roots shorten, the teeth begin to loosen. Eventually, most of the root disappears and the tooth falls out. Not long after, a new tooth, but this time permanent, will begin to peek through the space left by the milk. Permanent teeth may look a little strange at first, as they are usually they are a little more yellow, may have bumps and grooves it is clear, they are much bigger. also have much longer roots. Adult teeth are made this way to be the Strong enough to last our entire livessince we will be chewing food for many, many decades.
Taking care of our teeth is taking care of our health

people only receive two sets of teeth because that's what works best for the way you we eat and grow. Us animals happen the same wayThey have teeth that match the way they eat and grow. At the ratsfor example, they like to use their dfront teeth for nibbling and gnawing food and therefore has front teeth that keep growing constantly. O Alligators can make new teeth when they need to, and sharks have rows of teeth that they replace all the time.. However, people only have two sets of teeth, so we must do everything possible to take care of them brush them at least twice a day with toothpaste It is avoiding sweet drinks and snacks.