Being thin is part beauty patternfor, both in Japan like most Asian countries. However, most of us wonder how they manage to be so thin.
Several secrets It is techniques that the inhabitants of Japan use to keep their bodies tune It is light. In this article we will reveal some of these secrets to help us lose weight and narrow the waist.
We should know that the Japanese diet helps a lot to stay in shape. The Japanese drink a lot. tea and they drink a lot miso soupIn addition to consuming a lot vegetable It is fishAnd use cooking techniques light and low temperature for conserve nutrients of food. Furthermore, they tend to season their food with various things, but using little salt.
Although it is normal to eat rice even at breakfast, which for some can be a reason for weight gain as it is a great carbohydrate source, Japanese rice is richer in fiber than the rest.
A Japanese meal consists of small portions and various garnishes with light brothseating more than 5 varieties of vegetables in one meal. The Japanese also cook in a different way artisticthat helps satiate and deceive the stomach And use chopstickswhat makes them eat less of a tablespoon.
Technique to eat less
There is a Japanese technique for losing weight called “hara hachi bunme”. Although most people stop eating when they are completely satisfiedThose who use this technique stop eating when they are 80% satisfied. After 20 or 30 minutes decide if they are still hungry, if so, do they eat one small snack. The brain doesn't usually tell us whether we're actually full or not, so this break will tell. Lastly, Eat slowly it also helps the brain make that decision.
Breathe to lose weight
A Japanese actor named Ryosuke Miki developed a technique that consisted of spend two minutes a day focusing on inhaling deeply and exhaling aggressively. The actor was using this technique to get rid of back pain when he noticed he was losing weight. This long breathing diet must be done in a specific position and then inhale air for 3 seconds It is exhale for 7 seconds. There are 2 techniques:
- Squeeze your glutes, leaving ripples in your back (check by placing your toes in the area formed by the compression), place one foot in front of your body, crossing your legs, placing 90% of your body weight on the back of your foot. Finally, we must inhale with our arms above our head.
- Squeeze your buttocks and place one hand on your belly and the other on your lower back and inhale.
In both techniques you must inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 7 seconds, tensing all the muscles in the process. It is believed that the long breath diet increases muscle strength and speeds up metabolism, increasing blood oxygen levels. The results are excellent for column it's him abdomenresulting in a slimmer waist.
Japanese exercises
There is another famous technique for losing weight, which is also good for posture, called “fukutsuji”. I was created by Toshiki Fukutsujia doctor who was developing a method to avoid bad posture. The technique consists of taking a towel, wrap and tie to create a sausage. After that, the person should lie on their back on a hard, flat surface and place the towel at the level of the navel, where the spine begins to curve. Once you are upright and in the correct position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing toward the other foot. Stretch your arms above your head with your palms facing down and your little fingers touching. We must carry out this procedure For 5 minutes. Furthermore, it is recommended to 3 times a day to obtain the best result.
Another similar technique consists of lie down and hold your toes with a hair band. This technique helps to put the pelvis in place and prevents fat from being concentrated in the abdominal region.
Another very famous technique is Take a towel and hold each end to make movements like the infinity symbol or an 8 turned on its side. To do this, we must make 10 movements on each side with the spine straight and arms straight, moving only the arms while holding the towel firmly. However, this technique is not recommended for people with back problems.