PSN reaches 4.2 million euros in profit in 2021

National Health Insurance (PSN) obtained during the 2021 financial year, after taxes, profit of 1.8 million euros, at the end of last year, registering a growth of 200% compared to 2020, as was already said at the General Assembly of …

PSN opens its new offices in Zaragoza and Pamplona

The good economic health of the National Health Insurance Group (PSN) is also felt on the street. Proof of this is that this week they opened their new offices in the cities of Zaragoza and Pamplona. Specifically, Pamplona welcomed yesterday…

How to lose body fat without losing muscle mass

Any activity we carry out throughout the day will involve calorie expenditure. Our body consumes energy even to perform actions as passive as sleeping or breathing. Each person consumes a specific amount of calories depending on weight, sex, height...

That's why we wake up before the alarm goes off

Although no one is surprised, not just us, our body also hates alarms and it doesn't want to be dragged out of a delicious dream, it wants to arrive calmly and at its own pace. To avoid it, our body is so well trained that…

Can you stand on one leg for ten seconds?

The inability to stand on one leg for 10 seconds between the ages of 50 and 60 is associated with almost double the risk of death from any cause over the next ten years. This is clear from a published study…

An ITV for the heart that detects abnormalities early

Every year, more people die from cardiovascular disease than from any other cause in the world. And yet, most of these pathologies can be prevented by acting against tobacco use, unhealthy diets, a sedentary lifestyle or harmful use…